Thank you very much for your interest in my Mastermind program. In order to be able to work with everyone, I keep the group small. The current 12-week program has been filled. However, a new session starts soon, so please join the waitlist in order to be alerted about the next openings. I look forward to working with you in this powerful program soon.

Join The Mastermind Waitlist

Can't Wait...?


While the Mastermind is a small group so that everyone gets plenty of personal attention, nothing beats getting all the attention to yourself. Consider the possibilities of working with me one-on-one.


Click Here to Explore Private Sessions

Achieve the Freedom to Succeed! 

You have big ideas about how you want to live and what you want to create... but certain thoughts and beliefs may be slowing you down, or even stopping you. We will identify and dissolve those blocks so that you can feel more motivated and give yourself permission to move powerfully forward!

It's time to Green-Light Your Success!

Advance Confidently

Henry David Thoreau wrote, "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." This coaching will be goal oriented - getting clear on what you want and moving in that direction.  This program will be particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs. 

Tap into Your Best Self

When asked how he produced such marvelous sculptures, Michelangelo responded that he saw the subjects already there - perfect - inside the marble, and that he then just chipped away all the stone that didn't belong, revealing the masterpiece within.

During this intimate program, you will likewise acknowledge the masterpiece that is already inside you and clear away the stuff that doesn't belong. Success, health and happiness are your true nature. As you reveal the real you - as you allow yourself to believe in yourself and what you are capable of - you naturally think and perform more successfully in all areas of your life.

Join The Mastermind Waitlist

Invoke the Power of the Mastermind!

They say that two heads are better than one... and more can be even better.  In describing the Mastermind Principle, "Think and Grow Rich" author Napoleon Hill talks abut the benefit of making use of OPB - "other people's brains." 

You and the other committed participants will be supporting each other's success in a variety of ways.  In particular, you will benefit as I work with others on their issues.  They will bring up things you may not have realized were holding you back as well - and the whole group will become collectively freer to succeed.

Want to Dive Deeper...?

For those who want more, there is an option to upgrade to Tap into Success Elite, where you also get a one-hour private one-on-one session with me each month. Consider the possibilities...

Disclaimer: This coaching program isn't for everyone.

The mastermind group will consist of no more than eight members, so not all applicants will be admitted. Please only apply if you feel that you are ready to commit and take advantage of this opportunity to move powerfully forward.  Prices and times are listed on the sales page. Admission will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  I hope I can look forward to tapping with you soon.


"I’ve always wanted Brad to do a mastermind and am so glad I had the opportunity to be a part of this one!  When I started, I was coming from a place of feeling immense pressure and tightening, especially in my business.  I knew I was blocked off energetically and emotionally in so many areas and needed to unravel.  Working in the mastermind has validated my feelings and helped me, unwind, and create space for change and exploration of ‘what’s next?’ in a gentle, positive way.  I now feel ‘fine’ even though I have no idea what’s in store for me!  But, I trust that all will work out for the best.  I highly suggest adding on the private sessions as those have allowed me to unravel even further and finally allow the truth of what needs to be addressed, talked about, and tapped through to the surface."

- Angela Anderson 


"Thank you, Brad Yates - you created exactly what I needed when you started the Mastermind.  Over the last 9 sessions (we have 3 to go), you have created an incredible platform for us all to receive maximum benefit from every single session.  Your intuition, humour, empathy and calmness resonates for us all.  You have a gift of knowing exactly what to say to build the tapping round each time.  Without any prior information, you weave a web of magical words that always hits the mark.

I was feeling very stuck before I started this, but I have completely flipped my fears and blocks on their head, and have achieved some massive wins that I set for myself when I first signed up for the mastermind.

Getting to work on a one to one level with an EFT master in Brad Yates, is something I am really glad to have invested in - and the fact that in the Mastermind other people will also bring their story is brilliant.  By tapping on their story also, you realise that many others have the same or similar blocks and fears, that we can all work on. It is the ultimate in Borrowing Benefits - the fact that you then have the 12 Sessions saved for life, ensures that you can go back to it anytime you may feel stuck again in the future, and you may even find things that offer new opportunities for growth.

I am sure that I will sign up again in the future as it is just an amazing resource.  It offers really great structure and accountability to make massive gains.”

- Kevin Troy


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