Free Tapping Program

So, Who Is This Brad Yates Guy...?

For over 20 years, I've been helping people tap through their blocks and into the best version of themselves.

Many people have dreams of success and peace that seem just slightly out of reach, blocked by fears, anxieties, or resistance to moving forward or past barriers. The reality is that everyone is capable of living incredible lives, and often we’re the only thing standing in our way.

Tapping is a very effective method of physically resetting the body’s fear response by tapping on energy meridians throughout the body while talking through and resolving emotional resistance or trauma.

I try to take an empathetic and grounded approach to helping people release their blocks through tapping, because I don't believe that personal development needs to be punishing or tedious. 

If I could have one wish it would be to get the whole world tapping so everyone could feel better, do better, and live better.

My Mission

My mission is to empower millions of people around the world to uncover and embrace the best version of themselves and then share that with the world. I want to support you in realizing your dreams through EFT tapping and guidance, so you can go out and fulfill your own mission.

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Feel Better

The first step in my process is to help you release the blocks that are keeping you in a negative space physically and mentally.

Do Better

Once you are feeling better and living in alignment with your highest self, you will have cleared the space to make a positive contribution in the world.

Live Better

As we get more and more people feeling better and doing better, the world will simply become a better place to live!

My Signature
Michelangelo Process

As a lover of the classics, I call my tapping technique the Michelangelo Process, after a quote from the famous sculptor. Michelangelo claimed that his art was in the marble all along, and he just had to chip away to release what didn’t belong and reveal the masterpiece inside. 

Throughout my career, I've created videos, programs, live presentations, books, and more to help individuals chip away at what doesn’t belong so they can discover the amazing works of art that have been waiting to be revealed. 

So, if you hear me referring to Michelangelo (and you will!), this is why!

Brad, The YouTuber

As one of the very first tappers to arrive on the YouTube scene 15 years ago, I have 1,100+ free videos on almost every topic you can imagine. With over 205,000 subscribers and 36 million views, it seems like people may enjoy what I have to offer. Whatever you want to get started on, there's probably a tap for that!

Check Out My YouTube Channel

Brad, The Teacher

I've created a wide range of online programs for those ready to go to the next level in self discovery and progression. Whether you learn best in a large group, small group, 1-1, or self-guided programs, there's something for you here. 

Browse My Online Programs

Brad, The Speaker

Have you got a group that you’d like to help achieve greater success, happiness and well-being? There's nothing quite like a live in-person tapping session with a little humor and life advice on the side. There's nothing I'd like more to speak at your event.

Download My Speaker Kit Now

Brad, The Writer

You don't become an early pioneer of a groundbreaking new technique without writing a few books about it! From tapping scripts to a deep dive into using tapping for success, I've got you covered. There's even a children's book on tapping!

Check Out My Books

About Me

I have had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients, from CEOs to professional and NCAA athletes, from chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and federal attorneys, from award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and women in Santa Monica. For several years I taught a weekly class using EFT and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court.

I've also been a presenter at a number of events, including several International Energy Psychology Conferences and Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success event. I've done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale and have been a featured expert in every Tapping World Summit.

I am the author of the best-selling children’s book “The Wizard’s Wish”, the co-author of the best-seller “Freedom at Your Fingertips,” a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution” (along with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton), and have been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows.

For those who have suffered through dry seminars, you should know that my eclectic background includes several years as an internationally performing actor, and (yes… it is true) I'm a graduate of Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Clown College.

But you may be asking, where did it all begin...?


It's A Long Story...

I started out as an actor, graduating with a BA in Drama (and also studying for a time in London) and then toured the world doing theatre. Then I decided it was time to go to Hollywood to be a movie star. I had some great experiences, including a small role in "Chaplin" and playing a doctor on "Days of Our Lives"... and I also met a wonderful woman, fell in love, and got married.

When our first child was on the way, it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to get a backup job. Having always been interested in the power of the mind, I trained as a hypnotherapist and started a small practice while still pursuing my acting career. My trained voice proved advantageous in this new side gig, and now it was actually a good thing when my audience fell asleep. ;)

A couple of years later, when our second child was on the way, I realized that, as much as I loved acting, doing personal development work was my true purpose in life. We moved to Northern California to be closer to family. Through some other hypnotherapists, I heard about this "tapping thing"... and decided to attend a training at a conference - with EFT Founder Gary Craig.  This process really resonated with me, and I started introducing it to clients at the end of hypnotherapy sessions. Little by little, these became tapping sessions (with a bit of guided imagery at the end)...

But I wanted to reach more people...

In a desire to share this powerful work with more people, I was one of the pioneers in making tapping rounds available online. When YouTube came along, I thought it might be nice for there to be a video that was created people could tap along with to start their day. I called it "Tap o' the Mornin'..."  And that was all I planned to do.

My Foray
Into YouTube

There was no grand scheme of having a whole catalog of videos online.  But six months after the first one debuted, I thought, "hey, it might be nice if there was a tap to end the day," and so "Tap o' the Evenin'" was created.  Not long after, another idea compelled me to shoot a new video... and then another, and another... and so on.

The train completely ran away from the station and I now have over a thousand videos freely available on YouTube. Sharing this work to make a positive difference in the world is extremely important to me and I want to make sure there are videos on every subject possible easily available to as many people as possible.